
Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What is Life and Motivational Coaching

What is life-coaching?

Life-coaching is a means of bridging the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. It will often involve clarifying those two first. Life-coaching works through a dynamic partnership focussed entirely on the client and the client's agenda. Our lives have become so complex, opportunities so plentiful, that exploring what's important to us as individuals and our own unique situation is the quickest and often the only way to know exactly what to change and how to change it. And to identify and move beyond those things that are holding us back from the lives we really want.

In life-coaching, people experience significant shifts in their lives. They become clearer on who they are and what they need in their lives to be fulfilled. Living the live that's truly right for them, it all becomes easier, more joyful. They also get to do, be or have more of what they want or need in every conceivable area. Better than this, they do so more quickly and easily, with more enjoyment and far less stress. They go from being driven by their needs to being inspired by their goals for life, and they create the conditions to easily sustain this easier, happier way of living.


Coaching commences by exploring what the person really wants. Even when people believe they know this, greater clarity and self-awareness emerge through coaching. And sometimes, people discover different aspirations, ones that make them feel very positive, so positive they want to leap out of bed each morning.

The focus of coaching and the skills and objectivity of our coach enable us to know ourselves more fully than ever before. And, rather like a sports coach watching an athlete, a trained listener hears and reflects back to us subtle and fleeting clues to our unique motivations, like a change in voice tone or energy level.


What we learn about ourselves through coaching will include our potential and gifts, but also anything we may have previously avoided. A priceless benefit of having a coach is that an independent professional with your best interests at heart will tell you necessary truths when others won't - and tell it within a context of genuine praise and belief in you and your ability to change that makes it easier to hear.

As coaching proceeds clients come to feel more and more comfortable in their lives. However, like anything that stretches you, coaching won't always feel comfortable. Your coach will challenge you and ask more of you than you would of yourself. You needn't accept all your coach's requests but once you choose to commit to something, your coach will hold you to it - and to being the best you can be. As coaching progresses, you will know from your actions that you are indeed capable of more.
Tip! All of the sudden the barriers for individuals came tumbling down, now Life Coaching become aligned with human nature and everyone is happy to learn how to succeed and apply the principles themselves. But, with one major advantage, a Life Coach is still there for the individual if one is needed.

You'll make choices and step outside your comfort zone. But you will do so far more easily than you otherwise would and you'll notice your comfort zone rapidly expand. Any temporary discomfort is vastly outweighed by the delight of leaping over hurdles you wouldn't even have approached before, and of living a life that really suits you.

Holistic and sustainable

When we know what we really want for ourselves, we have more energy, focus and direction. Regular coaching builds momentum, sustains inspiration and enables people to be consistently perform at their best. Clients mobilize more effective resources and discover the quickest, easiest and most enjoyable way forward.

All coaching is holistic - no goal is allowed to become more important than the person. Coaching often includes building or fine-tuning an environment and support systems so that they provide the structure that ensures your on-going ease and success. It may involve streamlining, to reclaim energy drained off in secondary activities. And it frequently leads to better resources, be they cutting edge tools for personal development, connections or whatever else will be most useful at that time.

What does life-coaching cover?

Any or all aspects of your life. Some people come for specific issues (such as health, relationships, finances or a transition) or projects (like creating a new life or developing a seminar program). Some come to enjoy more what they've already got, to fine-tune some aspects of their life or for self-development. Others are drawn to coaching by a general dissatisfaction or a sense that something could be better. And some create more space for themselves and for spontaneous, joyous action by cutting back on their commitments.
Tip! Perhaps the best endorsement of the effectiveness of life coaching comes from those who have experienced it firsthand. Successful writer and now life coach herself, Marlee Huber of Washington State remarks, 'I cannot adequately express the joy that I am feeling as I move forward in my mission.

What's coaching like?

Coaching sessions are friendly, relaxed but focussed and amazingly powerful on many levels. Most coaching takes place through regular, pre-arranged sessions. Email coaching can also be very effective and my clients benefit from both, with email coaching between calls.

Is coaching for you? Is your life as you want it? Do you really know who you are? Are you living at your maximum potential? Would you like to know yourself better? Are you ready to change and grow? Are you worth it? Do you want to make a difference? If not now, when?

The best way to explore and experience how you could benefit from life-coaching is in a free, introductory session without obligation of any kind.
Tip! Traditional therapy and Life Coaching can complement each other. However, if a therapist is using coaching techniques, it is best if the client knows that a coaching technique is being applied.

Because Alan is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist, you can be assured of the very best support and technical help to get you from where you are now, to where you want to be. Many Life Coaches do not have the depth of experience of working with people and their problems that is afforded by training and experience as a therapist, and so can fall short of your expectations when previously unnoticed problems or challenges intrude into the coaching process. Alan's experience and knowledge allow him to provide a very thorough and seamless experience for you in developing your inner strengths and overcoming any challenges they present themselves along the way.
Tip! A Life Coaching http://www.alifecoaching.

Other therapeutic interventions which can be combined to make the process far more effective as required: • New You • Self Belief • Confidence • Direction in Life • Hypno-Path Working

By Alan Crisp DHP Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist Motivational Coach and Life Coach

Alan Crisp DHP MASC GQHP is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist and Life/Motivational Coach with consulting rooms in Beckenham, kent, Greater London Borough of Bromley, UK

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